Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Food Storage Center Order

**This will not be the only order organized for the year. We are hoping to be able to place several orders throughout 2011. You can prepare your future food storage in wisdom and in good order.

**Orders are to be placed no later than Sunday, February 13, 2011. No late orders will be accepted. You can fax (501-268-4029), email (, or snailmail (7 Jenny Lynne Drive, Searcy AR 72143).

**If an item is available prepackaged, please order them that way instead of bulk.

**You can only order food and materials in the following areas: BULK, PREPACKAGED ITEMS, and BULK PACKAGING MATERIALS. Oxygen packets can only be sold in 100 packs, so go in with a friend if you need to. If you order bulk and want to can it, you will need to figure out how many cans and lids you will need. Please call or email before the deadline with any questions you may have.

**There will be a shipping fee to help pay for gas. It will depend on the number of pounds ordered, so please keep that in mind. I won’t know how much we will be paying until I get all the orders in.

**Do not send money with your order. After you place your order I will contact you regarding payment, delivery, and pickup. However, it is anticipated we will have the food within a week or two from the date of order.

**We will schedule use of the canner when we get the food.

You can find the order form HERE.


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