Sunday, January 29, 2012

Checking In

Hello Everyone,

I think we are ready to get back in the saddle, so to speak. I spent this morning before Church staring at my food storage and motivating myself to regroup and reorganize. But that is a lesson in prepardedness - it has hills and valleys. The important thing is we keep moving forward.


Last Thursday, Steven, Linda and I met for a "net" of ham radio operators. It only lasts a couple of minutes. Afterwards, we got to talking about what would happen in the event of,....say...., a major ice storm. We would want a way to check on people and what if, just what if, cell phones were not working. And what about after two weeks of no power with no way to recharge those phones? It would be nice to keep track of things with a ham radio. So we are thinking of starting our own group of ham radio operators. Once a month we would just do about a 10 minute practice. We would be assigned beforehand a responsibility and then report to the group via the ham. For example, my job may be to check the weather outside, or how many cars are on my street, or to check on my neighbor next door. Then at the specified date and time, I would just call in on my radio to give my report. Easy, right?

Now - what if you don't have your license yet? Steven is ready to do a class any time there is interest. Last time NINE people got licensed. Amazing!!

No radio? You can get a good radio for $120. Start saving!!

More information on our club will be forthcoming.

Now - on to other news. Our Provident Living Classes. We will start having them on the 2nd Thursday of the Month. First class (cross your fingers) Square Foot Gardening. Even if you plan on doing a "regular" garden, the concepts are still good.

More information to follow - start getting the word out.


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