Sunday, February 24, 2013

Evacuation Plans

This Thursday night at 6:30 we will be having another Provident Living Class and we will focus on Evacuation Plans - whether you have to evacuate in 5 seconds or 5 hours - you need a plan!  We will have check lists that you can use to help you guide your planning.

Hope to see you there!!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Let's Get Started!

You thought we forgot you??  No way!!

With the economy headed even further south, we know there are many that are interested in continuing our Provident Living classes.......

We have been preoccupied with surgeries, work, kids, church, etc, etc...but we are determined to start the New Year off with some great goals for provident living and managing our resources more wisely.

First of all, now is the time to start planning your garden.  Arkansas extension has guidance to help us get off on the right foot.  But most importantly - plan in moderation!!  My personal goal this year is to get one square foot garden bed together and have it be successful!!  I have several barrels I planted in last summer and this year I am going to try my hand at lettuce and spinach.  I had covered my backyard beds with black plastic because I just couldn't bear any more WEEDS - but now I am ready to uncover just a small spot and try to build up a long-term bed that I can keep healthy.

My second goal is to give laying hens a try (again!).  I can only have a total of 6 hens, but I am going to give them a try and see if I can keep them alive this year.

In an effort for consistency - we are going to try something new:  6 weeks of classes - one each week - with a different topic each week.

Week 1 - Jan 17        Raw foods from scratch     Teacher:  Janet Hudson
Week 2 - Jan 24        Frozen Ready Meals          Teacher: Susie McGrath
Week 3 - Jan 31        Long Term Food Storage   Teacher: Kathy Mix
Week 4 - Feb 7         Budget Planning                 Teacher: Dawn Miller
Week 5 - Feb 21       Emergency Kits                  Teacher: Mike Davis
Week 6 - Feb 28       Emergencies (mock)          Teacher: Steven Gifford

After that I hope to have a GARDENING class in March because it will be time to really start getting some early crops in the ground.

These classes are open to the public - we want our friends and neighbors to be just as prepared as we hope to be - so spread the word!  Some of these classes may be repeats for you prepper alumni, but it is always inspiring to come share ideas and get re-motivated.

The classes are going to be held at the LDS Church on Skyline Drive for both the space and the safe parking.  Classes will begin at 6:30.  The classes will be held in the gym/kitchen area on the backside of the church.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email me.  There is no need to procrastinate, things are getting better anytime soon.

So chin up!  "If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear."

Hope to see you all there -
